Essay Writer Pro: Rundown
EssayWriter has very different ratings on all the review platforms we’ve looked at – from a solid 4.8 to 2.0. In our experience, this means they have invested in paid reviews but didn’t cover all the platforms. A telltale sign of paid reviews is a long, detailed description of the experience.
These paragraphs are often written in the same style and from accounts that had no prior activity on the platform. They also often feature a full name and a picture to seem trustworthy. But can you imagine a student setting an avatar on a platform like Trustpilot? We can’t. But enough with the reviews. What about the service itself?
The site has a pleasant design, and the prices are very low. We see how that could be enticing for a student. While testing the service, we paid special attention to the paper quality, communication from support and the writer, and the overall experience.
We must say the paper was of okay quality. Given the price we paid, it seemed fair. However, it was far from perfect and needed several edits to meet the requirements we set in the instructions. And they only offer three revisions for free.
Our Verdict on Essaywriter.pro
EssayWriter is a service you can use if you have a lot of time and little money. It’s fine for the prices that they offer, but it would be silly to expect exceptional quality. We wouldn’t recommend them for big papers like dissertations of theses. But when it comes to essays, this service can totally do the job for you.
The paper we ordered was a 4-page essay. We set the deadline in a week, and it arrived a week later, on the dot. However, upon closer inspection, we realized that the writer failed to use the sources we attached, making the paper unusable. If it were for a real class, a professor would never have accepted it without the required readings referenced.
The writing itself was okay: a couple of grammatical hiccups along the way, but nothing catastrophic. We asked for a revision, pointing out the issue with the sources and grammar. The writer fixed the grammar and simply replaced the existing citations with the required ones. We said it wouldn’t do since no new information from the required readings has been added.
After the second revision, the paper was done. Needless to say, we spent another two days on the back-and-forth with the writer.

EssayWriter Pro Breakdown
EssayWriters is not a bad service. Yet, it’s not perfect, either. They offer a wide range of services, such as writing, editing, and proofreading.
They can write academic papers like essays and term papers, but they also claim to be able to help with resumes and other types of business writing. You can order an admission letter from them as well.
They have a tab dedicated to essay samples, which is very convenient. Still, there is no way of knowing if their writers have actually produced those samples.
The essay we ordered was okay. It wasn’t brilliant, but it wasn’t bad, either – overall, a fair result for its price. But if you want to be absolutely sure that you will get a perfect paper with little to no need for edits, we would recommend another service.
Check our other reviews for details. Still, if you’re on a tight budget and are willing to put in some work yourself, EssayWriters is an okay option.
Essay Writer Pro Support
The support team at EssayWriter Pro is doing a good job. They work 24/7 to answer all the questions their customers have. They can be reached through live chat, email, and phone.
We tried all the methods of communication to test if there would be any difference. It took them a couple minutes to pick up the phone call, and we were connected faster via live chat. The phone connection wasn’t perfect, either. So, while making this review, we did prefer chat.
Besides, when you have the conversation written down, it’s easier to refer back to. As to the agents’ proficiency, most of our questions have been answered. One thing of note was that we were never transferred to a sales agent. Usually, a sales person will join the chat with a new customer, and that never happened.
Also, the agent we spoke to couldn’t answer how many revisions we could get for free. We were told that the first two are free, and the rest are negotiable. We found that strange.
What About the Writers?
No EssayWriter Pro review would be complete without a thorough examination of the company’s writers. When we asked the support agent about the writers’ origin, we got a very vague answer. It was something along the lines of “a significant portion of our writers comes from the US, Canada, and Australia.”
Also, when we asked if they are freelancers, she replied ‘they can be.’ So, all the answers about their writers were very general and uncertain. There’s no writers tab on their website, and writers’ profiles don’t open to show any information about a particular expert.
The ‘Hire expert’ button just takes you to the order form, and the writer’s ID number is not specified in the order form. So, basically, there’s barely any information on the writers.
Even in the FAQ section, it says, ”The writer should have enough experience in the required subject.” Should? That doesn’t give much confidence to a potential client.
How Much Is EssayWriter.pro?
The EssayWriter price range starts from just $6 per page. They have a price calculator on the main page, so it’s very easy to count how much a paper would cost without signing in or ordering anything.
There’s also a prices tab on the site, where the fee per page is broken down considering different variables. We have to admit that the table is very convenient and easy to use. There are columns for each academic level, from high school to professional, and each row is a deadline.
As for discounts, the FAQ section mentions a ‘bonuses’ page, yet it doesn’t open and doesn’t show up in the search.
The company does offer a loyalty discount. After each completed order, you receive 10% of the order’s price as a bonus to your account credit. It’s a smart strategy to make you keep using their site, but it leaves one wondering if it’s worth it.
EssayWriterPro Revisions
The revisions issue is quite convoluted on this site. The policy states you are entitled to three free revisions in the 14 days after an order has been completed. After that, you are to place a new order for editing or proofreading.
At the same time, a support agent has told us that you can get two revisions for free, and should you need any more, it is negotiable.
As for our order, we asked for two revisions. The first one was done poorly, and on the second try, the writer did what we asked of them.
We asked to use specific references in the essay, but the writer hasn’t done that. We returned the order for revision, and it came back with new citations but no edits to the content. After that, we returned the order again, and finally, in a day, we got the edited essay.
This wasn’t the best customer experience: if we were to use that paper after the first revision, we could be accused of plagiarism since the citations were fake. And the first rendition of the essay wouldn’t have been accepted at all.
Meeting Deadlines
For this Essay Writer Pro review, we ordered a paper due in three days. As we’ve already mentioned, it came back on time, yet the revisions took another two days.
With our vast experience reviewing essay services, we decided that three days would be enough for a two-page essay. But apparently, this service needs more time for a simple paper like that.
On the site, there is a rush deadline option. You can order the paper to be due in just three hours. Some reviews mention this service saying that it works perfectly and that they received their papers on time.
Yet, we’ve already said that to us, a lot of these reviews look fake. No student would write a two-paragraph review; it seems like an overkill.
Plagiarism Policy
EssayWriter Pro seems to be taking the plagiarism issue very seriously. The policy states that the maximum percentage of unoriginal content per paper is 10%, which is good.
Also, if you go to essay samples, scroll down to the bottom, and click the writer’s name, you can visit their profile. Apart from a small bio, this page offers a discount for the originality report.
There are two options for the plagiarism report at the site. One is for $9.99, and the other one costs $29.99. The more expensive one is Turnitin, and the less expensive option is an “internal system.”
Support agens’ statements vary because one has told us that they have a Turnitin account owned by some professor, and the other person said that they use a Turnitin-based system. We didn’t order the report, so we can’t say for sure what service they use.
Essay Writer Pro: Pros and Cons
Overall, our experience with EssayWriter Pro has been satisfying. We didn’t get scammed, and we received the paper we ordered. The support agents are pleasant enough, and communication with the writer was satisfactory.
However, we must mention a few things that seem suspicious. The company’s terms of use state that they keep the intellectual property rights to the texts their customers buy. That could mean that they can reuse the text in the future.
Our experience with the service was okay. If we didn’t go into details on the policy, we wouldn’t have known a lot of what makes this service kind of sketchy. However, a normal user rarely reads the policy, and that’s what we’re here for – to bring you the information you need to make an informed decision.
So, our final verdict is as follows. EssayWriter Pro is an okay service if you need some cheap assistance. But we wouldn’t recommend relying on it for hard assignments.
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