Rating 4.5
Rating 4.0
Rating 4.9
Emma Miller
Review writer at NoCramming
Published on September 1, 2023
Updated March 20, 2025

First Look at StudyBay

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Studybay has a rating of 4.5 stars based on 828 reviews. This shows that customers are mostly happy with the services provided by the platform. Students especially appreciate the timely delivery of orders, customer service, and prompt responses.

Here, we'll provide a detailed overview of the company's services, customer support, prices and bonuses, writers, and deadlines for a holistic view. Read to find out whether StudyBay is worth your time and money.

To find out the answer to the question, "Is StudyBay legit?" We've conducted our own research and ordered two academic pieces to better understand the StudyBay processes. The first task was a 5-page criminal justice essay with a 7-day deadline. To test the service’s ability to meet a tight deadline, we also placed an order for a 2-page psychology discussion post with a 6-hour deadline.

Here, we'll provide a detailed overview of the company's services, customer support, prices and bonuses, writers, and deadlines for a holistic view. Read to find out whether StudyBay is worth your time and money.

StudyBay Review info

What Can You Expect from StudyBay?

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StudyBay is a time-tested service that has been in the market for over 10 years. Launched in 2011, the company has completed over 400,000 orders throughout the years. So we can confidently say yes to the question, "Is StudyBay legit?"

Although the service claims to offer essay crafting help to students and rookie writers, it is a far cry from reality. In fact, StudyBay is more of a freelance platform that connects students to writers. This approach has a few drawbacks (for example, communication with the writer might be less smooth) but doesn’t make StudyBay a bad writing service. Otherwise, it wouldn’t have sustained the reputation it has.

Both papers we received from StudyBay were decently written and delivered on time. The quality could’ve been higher, especially that of our 7-day essay, but overall, we were satisfied with what we got. The papers were also original—which is refreshing, as plagiarism remains a big concern in the writing industry.

At the same time, we do have a few criticisms and can’t give StudyBay a 5/5 rating. In particular, the prices are significantly higher than average. The lowest per-page rate (for a high school-level paper with a 2-month deadline) is $15. You can potentially find a writer who’ll charge you less—as freelancers, StudyBay’s writers can set their rates—but that’s the number you’ll most likely have to work with.

If the price doesn’t discourage you, StudyBay can be a good option—but we can’t wholeheartedly recommend it, as there’s definitely room for improvement.

Ease of Use
StudyBay: Our verdict

Can You Rely on StudyBay? Is It Worth It?

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Minimal price




Minimal deadline

6 hour

Customer support


Is StudyBay a scam? Definitely not. Established in 2011, the company has vast experience in helping students in their studies.

The platform works as a kind of freelance marketplace where writers bid to complete your assignment. A customer can pick the best offers from academic experts. We haven't noticed any instances of StudyBay cheating—based on the reviews and our experience with the service, you’re safe.

On top of that, StudyBay offers a vast selection of academic authors and a money-back guarantee. If you have any issues with the service, you can get a full refund within 10 days of order completion. This is a bit short from our perspective, but it is still a nice option. You can also get your full deposit back if you decide to cancel your order before more than half of your timeframe passes.

As for the price rates, StudyBay is definitely not a budget-friendly service. Compared to the other academic aid platforms, their prices are on the higher end. However, seeing as you’re getting a reasonably well-written paper that will almost certainly be ready on time, we can see why so many customers find that StudyBay is worth it.

StudyBay analysis by Nocramming

StudyBay Support: Helpful but Might Be Hard to Reach

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StudyBay customer service is among the aspects of the service that get praised the most in StudyBay reviews online. We’ve seen quite a few comments focused specifically on how responsive and genuinely helpful the service’s support agents are. But we also know that online reviews aren’t always trustworthy, so we contacted StudyBay’s support team twice to see for ourselves.

If you have an urgent question, you can use the live chat available on the website. However, we tried to—and never got a reply, which was disappointing. This is normally the most convenient communication method, at least in the writing industry.

If your luck with the chat is the same as ours, try calling instead. After waiting for over 30 minutes for a chat reply, we called the service, which proved way more efficient. We had to wait for less than 5 minutes the first time we called and about 3 minutes the second. Both times, the support agents we talked to answered our questions in detail and were very solution-oriented in their approach.

Are StudyBay’s Writers Any Good?

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Our StudyBay review won't be complete without an overview of the service's experts and the writer selection process. Once you've placed your request, authors start bidding to complete your task. You can take a look at StudyBay writers competing for your order and pick the most-suited person for the job. The process might be a bit confusing if you’ve never done this before, but it helps you choose a good writer on StudyBay.

We had a chance to work with two StudyBay writers: Marcy wrote our 5-page essay, and Josh wrote our urgent 2-page discussion post. Both delivered coherent and original papers and, for the most part, followed our instructions. There were a few minor issues with our essay (structure and references, mostly), but luckily, Marcy agreed to revise it and did it almost immediately. The discussion post was a simple assignment, and Josh did a good job.

Overall, we’d say that unless your assignment is very complex or high-stakes, StudyBay writers are good enough experts for it. If it’s something worth 20% of your final grade, though, we recommend trying a different service just to be safe.

Writing experts at StudyBay

StudyBay Prices: Confusing and a Bit Too High

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When it comes to StudyBay prices, it is hard to draw an unequivocal conclusion. The platform functions as a freelance marketplace with a bidding system. So, you cannot find out the cost of your order right away. Instead, you have to review bids from the writers and choose the best value for money.

To test this system, we've placed two orders with different deadlines, levels of study, and paper lengths. In the end, the 2-page discussion post with a tight 6-hour deadline cost us $32. For the 5-page criminal justice essay due in 7 days, we paid close to $80. As you can see, the deadline doesn’t affect the price as much as it normally does, so perhaps it makes sense to use StudyBay for urgent orders.

StudyBay prices & discounts

What About Revisions?

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So, how does StudyBay work regarding revisions? We couldn't find a clear policy regarding amendments on their website, and StudyBay customer service was also of little help. 

There is info about the Warranty Period that lasts 20 days, though. It means you have 20 days to ask for edits after you receive your paper. We only asked for a revision once immediately after receiving our 5-page essay, and Marcy agreed to revise it. So, we didn’t have a chance to check what would’ve happened had we waited for over 20 days.

If you're unsatisfied with the service, you can also get a StudyBay refund within 10 days of your order completion. This is one of the service’s guarantees; based on the comments we’ve seen, it may sometimes be difficult to get a full refund, but the support team can help.

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StudyBay Deadlines: Will You Get Your Paper on Time?

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As for the deadline ethics, we have nothing to complain about. If you're Googling "StudyBay is it reliable?" rest assured that you'll receive your paper on time.

To test the service's adherence to deadlines, we've placed two orders with different due dates. The first one was a 5-page criminal justice essay with a 7-day deadline. The second was a 2-page psychology discussion post with a 6-hour deadline. In both cases, StudyBay delivered before the estimated due dates, leaving plenty of time for revisions.

We got our essay in just a few days. Frankly, we wouldn’t have minded receiving it later if it meant it would be written well on the first try, but the writer did fix it after our revision request—with still days to spare until our original deadline. The discussion post was finished in just 5 hours and looked great. So, you can definitely count on StudyBay for prompt delivery.

What about StudyBay deadlines?

Are the Papers Original?

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Once we received the completed tasks, we checked the originality and quality of both texts. To determine whether the "StudyBay scam" claims were true, we ran the papers through a few plagiarism detectors and compared the results.

Both came back clear. Obviously, they weren’t 100% original because of the quotes, paraphrased passages, and in-text citations—but that’s normal for academic papers. What matters is that everything non-original in both papers was properly cited, and most of the work (about 70-80%) was fully original.

Still, no matter which writing service you’re using, we recommend you always triple-check every paper for plagiarism. If you accidentally submit an unoriginal paper, you’ll most definitely get in trouble with your school’s academic integrity committee.

Pros and cons of StudyBay

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As seen from the StudyBay reviews and our research, for the most part, it’s a good writing service, despite the confusing prices and revision policy. Our experience with StudyBay was great when it came to the turnaround time and content originality. The quality could’ve been better—at least that of our essays with a 7-day deadline—but overall, we are satisfied with StudyBay.

  • Both our orders were delivered ahead of the deadline ✅
  • Both papers were original and human-written ✅
  • The writer we requested a revision from agreed to revise the paper immediately ✅
  • The writing quality was pretty good ✅
  • We failed to reach the support team via the live chat ❌
  • The prices are confusing, especially if you’re used to how writing services’ pricing typically works ❌
  • There’s no clear revision policy explained on StudyBay’s website ❌
  • One of the papers we ordered required revision because the writer didn’t polish it despite having more than enough time ❌

Frequently Asked Questions

Is StudyBay legit?

If you're wondering "Is Study Bay legit?" the answer is yes. A Malta-based company, EDUTEC LIMITED, runs the service.

How StudyBay works?

Despite its claims of being an essay writing service, StudyBay is basically a freelance platform that helps students and experts meet up. Learners and writers can communicate and negotiate a price and other details. If you're thinking, "Is StudyBay safe?" worry not. The company is entirely legal.

Is StudyBay reliable?

StudyBay is a generally trustworthy platform that connects students and writers, much like a freelance marketplace. Is StudyBay reliable? Overall, yes. But we would recommend carefully selecting your writer, as it directly affects your grade.

Is StudyBay a scam?

No. StudyBay is a generally trustworthy platform despite some reviews saying otherwise. As the service functions as a freelance platform, some writers can potentially be unreliable. However, both our ordering experiences were generally positive, so our answer to the question, "Is StudyBay a scam?" is no.

Is StudyBay a service that can be trusted?

Yes. We were wondering, "Is StudyBay trustworthy?" ourselves. After making two orders and receiving our tasks back, we can confirm that StudyBay is legit.

Is StudyBay legal?

Yes. The company has been in the market for 10 years, connecting students and writers worldwide. Many students ask, "Is StudyBay real?" and we can assure you that StudyBay is very much legit. We've made two orders on their platform and received the papers on time.

*Screenshots used for review and criticism purposes fall under the 'fair use' doctrine of the United States Copyright Law.

The latest customer reviews

User ID: 900338
Rating 3.0
Their policies need improvement
Grace T.
User ID: 330987
Rating 5.0
orders are delivered on time with no plagiarism
Nina L.
User ID: 403971
Rating 2.0
It felt like I was sending messages to a black hole, no response from customer support
Anne O.
User ID: 443041
Rating 3.0
pricing system can be confusing and surprising
Sally P.
User ID: 200983
Rating 3.0
getting in touch with customer support was a mission
Amanda K.
User ID: 400922
Rating 4.0
One good thing about this service is they usually get your orders to you on time
Isabel M.

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