Rating 3.2
Rating 2.8
Emma Miller
Review writer at NoCramming
Published on August 26, 2024 🔥

An Ageless Service With Very Little Reviews

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Based on five comments by past users, WriteMyPaper.net has a rating of 3.2 stars out of 5.0. This signifies that most users are not satisfied with the service. Commentators cite unresponsive support and poor quality of the papers provided by the service. WriteMyPaper ranks 51 among essay writing platforms.

Well, everything seems obvious, right? A new service to which customers are not being that kind. Let’s give it some time, and things will get better, right? Except the service is not new. At least, that’s what the comments suggest.

If most reviews were from 2023 or even 2024, the service being new and inexperienced would’ve been a logical conclusion. But you won’t find reviews as recent as that.

Based on the information on Write My Paper Co website, the service was launched in 2005. So, it boasts almost twenty years in business. And you can find comments that are almost ten years old.

Good news is that there are no negative comments as of recent. Previous comments pointed to poor quality of orders and unresponsive support. So, with our interest piqued, we decided to conduct our own investigation to figure out whether those comments were far-fetched or not.

WriteMyPaper - Are 40,000+ Students Truly Satisfied With the Service?

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So, WriteMyPaper Co has been in business for almost two decades now. The number of reviews is already puzzling. Another thing that puzzled us is the claim on the service’s website that 41,784 university students are satisfied with the service.

That’s rather strange, as we came across multiple services that have been around for a few years claiming that they have over 100,000 satisfied students. Some even claim that they have over a million satisfied students. Okay, maybe that’s just university students. But why so specific? WriteMyPaper provides services for all types of students.

The miniscule number of reviews and the number of satisfied students shown on the website looks strange for the service that has been on the market for almost twenty years.

Regardless of all that, what does the service offer exactly? WriteMyPaper offers paper writing services, ranging from high school essays to more complex works like dissertations. All that for prices that are lower than most services offer, at least at first glance.

Is the service any good? Are 40,000+ students truly satisfied with it? You’ll figure it out in the next sections of the article.

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Write My Paper Co — Order or Just Write It Yourself?

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Going through WriteMyPaper.net reviews, you can come across some comments stating that it’s the worst service ever and that you should just write it yourself. So, should you stay away and opt for other services or follow the advice and just write your essay yourself?

Checking out reviews is important, but you cannot rely on them completely. If you have your favorite essay writing service, the one you’re completely satisfied with, check out its reviews. You will find some comments like that, too. The first step to figuring out the truth is to mind the details. What lies beneath the “worst service ever” claim?

WriteMyPaper’s past users generally complain about three things: unresponsive support, missed deadlines, and papers written in poor English. So, you have the details. The next step in figuring out the truth is to test the service. But that’s a risky thing to do, as it may lead to wasting up to $150 on paper that will be flagged by plag and AI detectors. Gladly, you have us to do the job for you.

So, read on to learn whether the support is unresponsive, whether the service misses the deadlines, and whether the papers are written in poor English.

Communicating With WriteMyPaper Support Team - Are They Responsive?

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Well, the first stop is checking out the support service. And here we bumped into the first disappointment with Write My Paper Co.

If you look at the top of the service’s website, you will see that it promises 24/7 customer support. However, if you click on the Live Chat option, you may get a pop-up stating that the support team is currently not online. You can contact them by sending them a message, and they’ll get back to you. And the time when the team will get back to you is not specified.

We tried messaging the support and got a reply within an hour. While we got answers to all our questions, waiting an hour, at least to us, doesn’t correspond to the 24/7 promise. On the other hand, there were other services with actual Live Chat options where we had to wait for the reply longer. But it would’ve been better if the service clarified that the support team is not exactly available 24/7.

So, considering the claims about the unresponsiveness of the support team, we must admit that past customers were right, as waiting for a reply for an hour doesn’t constitute responsiveness.

Testing the Writers At WriteMyPaper

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The next stop is figuring out whether the writers at WriteMyPaper are any good. The first thing that could’ve functioned as a red flag is that you cannot see the list of writers before registration. Things don’t get any better after you fill in the order form and process the payment. The writer gets assigned by the service. On a positive note, you can communicate with them directly.

But despite all the possible red flags, the writers pleasantly surprised us.

Continuing our tradition of picking up difficult topics for essays, we tasked the writers with “Predictions of AI and Post-Truth Era in David Cronenberg’s “Videodrome.”

The paper showcased that even if the writer didn’t watch the movie, they at least checked all the materials that analyzed the film previously. It was written in good English and followed all our instructions. Thus, complaints about poor English, at least based on our experience with the service, can be discarded.

The Self-Contradiction of WriteMyPaper Co Pricing

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Going through the comments of past customers, we never saw any complaints about the pricing. Apparently, it’s going to be the first WriteMyPaper review to mention the confusing and self-contradicting pricing of the service.

Based on the landing page information, the starting price is $8.99 per page. However, once you go to the order form, you see that the starting price is $9.99. Then, if you check the pricing page, you learn that the starting price can be between $7 and $21 per page, depending on the level of complexity.

So, we failed to figure out the average starting price per page. Our eight-page essay was $144 in total, which means that we’ve paid $18 per page. So, while the stated prices are lower than those on the market, the final prices are average. In any case, it’s not that expensive, and using WriteMyPaper won’t seriously damage your budget.

One thing that may disappoint you is the refund policy of WriteMyPaper. In short, the service doesn’t offer refunds. Only in certain cases the service may issue a refund. The funny point is that refund conditions are mentioned here and there throughout T&C, but when you go to the bottom of it, you learn that the service doesn’t offer refunds.

Unlimited Revisions in a Limited Time Frame

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WriteMyPaper service offers unlimited revision possibility: well, almost. While you cannot request a refund after downloading the order, you can request an unlimited number of revisions. However, you can do so only within three days after the order is completed.

In other words, if the revisions won’t fix your paper within three days, you are left on your own revising it. We inquired with the support team regarding this rule, and they confirmed that the paper will be revised as much as you want, but only within three days.

But, given our experience with the service, there’s a chance that you won’t need the revisions. Our paper did not require any revision. But, in case you decide to use the service, and your paper requires some fixing, you must keep in mind that despite the promise of unlimited revisions, you have only three days after the order is completed to use the option.

EssayHub Ranks Among the Top 3 Best Writing Services

WriteMyPaper Deadlines - Does the Service Stick to or Miss Them?

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The deadlines at WriteMyPaper.net are the same, regardless of the complexity of the order. The maximum deadline is two weeks, while the minimum deadline is four hours.

Of course, it’s going to affect the price. For example, a college essay with a minimum deadline will cost you $16.99 per page. The same essay type with a maximum deadline of fourteen days will cost you $12.99 per page. Check any essay type with any deadline: you won’t get the advertised $8.99 or $9.99 per page.

We’ve opted for a ten-day deadline, and based on the customers’ reviews, we were expecting the order to arrive in two weeks. However, the writer finished our paper within eight days.

So, not only does WriteMyPaper stick to deadlines, but the service is able to deliver the paper before the deadline. Thus, based on our experience, we can dismiss claims that the service misses the deadlines.

Does The Service Produce Unique Texts?

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The service promises that all orders are checked by the quality assurance team and that they are scanned for plagiarism. You won’t find any essay writing platform that doesn’t promise the same.

However, not every service puts money where its mouth is. So, upon getting our order, we ran it through several plagiarism detectors. And we were pleasantly surprised. The paper was unique.

While we decided on the topic for our essay, we checked several articles that appear in search results when you google “post-truth videodrome,” just to check out if the writer would plagiarize from them. In the end, we may suspect that the writer was inspired by one article on Medium but didn’t plagiarize it.

AI detection also showed no trace of AI-crafted content. So, we can conclude that, based on our experience, WriteMyPaper sticks to its zero-plagiarism policy and provides its users with unique papers.

The Benefits and Disadvantages of Using WriteMyPaper Co

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After conducting our investigation, we may say that while some negative reviews truly pointed out the downsides of the service, others were far-fetched.

While the support service can indeed be considered unresponsive, the service sticks to its deadlines. We were satisfied with the writer’s work, so we find the claims about orders written in poor English far-fetched. However, we discovered that WriteMyPaper stated prices don’t correspond to the actual ones and that the service doesn’t provide refunds.

So, overall, the writing is good, but the service has its problems.

  • ✅ WriteMyPaper sticks to deadlines
  • ✅ The service can deliver high-quality papers
  • ✅ WriteMyPaper follows the zero-plagiarism policy
  • ❌ WriteMyPaper doesn’t have 24/7 support while claiming otherwise
  • ❌ The platform shows self-contradicting per-page prices
  • ❌ The service offers unlimited revisions but for a three-day period only
  • ❌ WriteMyPaper Co has confusing and self-contradicting T&C
  • ❌ It doesn’t offer refunds, except for certain cases (not disclosed in the T&C)

Frequently Asked Questions

Is WriteMyPaper a legit service or not?

WriteMyPaper.net is a legit essay writing platform that has been on the market for almost twenty years. There are some negative comments online that suggest the service may not be legit. However, the service sticks to its main promise, namely, delivering academic writing help.

Is WriteMyPaper a real service?

There are certain inconsistencies on the service’s website — e.g. the per-page price is listed differently on the landing page and in the pricing section — but WriteMyPaper is a real content writing service that has been operating for almost two decades.

Can I use WriteMyPaper for free?

No, you can’t use the service for free. However, WriteMyPaper offers quite reasonable prices. If you opt for the maximum deadline, your order won’t damage your budget. The cost of the work is average for the essay writing market and is suitable for college and university students.

Does WriteMyPaper scam its users?

While some reviews call the service a scam, WriteMyPaper cannot be considered a scam. It is not involved in any fraudulent activity and doesn’t try to fool its customers. It doesn’t collect your personal or financial data and share it with third parties.

Is WriteMyPaper involved in fraudulent activities?

WriteMyPaper is not involved in any fraudulent activity. You may not be satisfied with the final product, but the service’s Terms & Conditions state that the service doesn’t offer any warranty for its products. Hence, none of the actions of the service can be considered as fraud or scam.

Is WriteMyPaper a trustworthy service?

Despite our positive experience with its writers, we cannot state that the service is trustworthy. The first concern is the fact that WriteMyPaper doesn’t offer refunds if you are not satisfied with the order. Another factor is the support team, which is not available 24/7, as claimed on the website.

*Screenshots used for review and criticism purposes fall under the 'fair use' doctrine of the United States Copyright Law.

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